Otkrivene supernove

La Sagra Sky Survey – Supernova Search Project (LSSS-SSP)

LSSS-SSP je projekt astronomskog društva Anonymus ostvaren u suradnji sa zvjezdarnicom Observatorio Astronomico de La Sagra.


Zvjezdarnica Observatorio Astronomico de La Sagra smještena je u južnoj Španjolskoj u pokrajini Andaluziji, na brdu Sierra de La Sagra na nadmorskoj visini od 1613 m. Zvjezdarnicom upravlja Observatiorio Astronomico de Mallorca.


Zvjezdarnica Observatiorio Astronomico de La Sagra


Za snimanje neba na raspolaganju su slike sa tri teleskopa tipa Centurion promjera 0.45 metara, f/2.8, koji se primarno koriste za potragu za asteroidima i kometima. Teleskopi su opremljeni vrlo kvalitetnim CCD kamerama SBIG STL-11000M (Centurion1 i Centurion2) i Apogee Alta U16 na Centurion3. Granična magnituda ovih teleskopa je 19.5. – 20. magnitude s 90 sekundi ekspozicije. U jednoj noći teleskopi snime oko 200 fotografija vidnog polja od 1.5°×1.5°, čime svaka slika odgovara veličini od 9 punih Mjeseca na nebu.


Jedan od tri teleskopa Centurion (0.45 m, f/2.8)

Metode obrade

Zvjezdarnica La Sagra počela je sa radom 2006. godine sa ciljem potrage i praćenja asteroida i kometa. Do danas je zvjezdarnica otkrila preko 1600 numeriranih asteroida, od kojih su 87 NEO objekti (potencijalno opasni za Zemlju) te 8 kometa. Od 2008. godine zbog velikog broja otkrića zvjezdarnica je klasificirana kao La Sagra Sky Survey (LSSS).

Sudjelovanjem na Višnjanskim školama astronomije članovima društva pružena je mogućnost suradnje u projektu LSSS-a. Okupljen je tim članova društva, te je pisanje softvera započelo u vrijeme Božića 2009. godine. Nakon nekoliko mjeseci osmišljavanja projekta i testiranja, sa radom smo započeli u ožujku 2010. godine.


  • 19Potvrđene supernove
  • 8Moguće supernove


  • 3Potvrđene supernove

2013ci (= PSN J17045368+0907596), CBET 3515 discovered 2013/05/04.076 by LSSS-SSPFound in PGC 1360168 at R.A. = 17h04m53s.68, Decl. = +09°07’59”.6Located 6″ east and 10″ north of the center of PGC 1360168Mag 17.1:5/4, Type Ia (z=0.036) (References: ATEL 5050 ( ATEL 5048 corrected) CBAT TOCP)

2013dv (= PSN J17031073+2726539), CBET 3580 discovered 2013/07/02.911 by LSSS-SSPFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h03m10s.73, Decl. = +27°26'53".9Located 0" east and 8" north of the center of the host galaxyMag 18.4:7/2, Type Ia (z=0.057) (References: CBAT TOCP)

2013dv (= PSN J17031073+2726539), CBET 3580 discovered 2013/07/02.911 by LSSS-SSPFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h03m10s.73, Decl. = +27°26’53”.9Located 0″ east and 8″ north of the center of the host galaxyMag 18.4:7/2, Type Ia (z=0.057) (References: CBAT TOCP)

2013ew (= PSN J22100969+1116479), CBET 3629 discovered 2013/08/13.901 by LSSS-SSPFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h10m09s.69, Decl. = +11°16'47".9Located 25" east and 20".5 north of the center of the host galaxyMag 18.6:8/15, Type Ia-91T (z=0.056) (References: CBAT TOCP)

2013ew (= PSN J22100969+1116479), CBET 3629 discovered 2013/08/13.901 by LSSS-SSPFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h10m09s.69, Decl. = +11°16’47”.9Located 25″ east and 20″.5 north of the center of the host galaxyMag 18.6:8/15, Type Ia-91T (z=0.056) (References: CBAT TOCP)

  • 4Moguće supernove
PSN J15211341+1415049, CBAT TOCP discovered 2013/07/03.923 by LSSS-SSPFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 15h21m13s.41, Decl. = +14°15'04".9Located 10" east and 4" south of the center of the host galaxyMag 18.1:7/14 (17.2:7/3), Type unknown

PSN J15211341+1415049, CBAT TOCP discovered 2013/07/03.923 by LSSS-SSPFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 15h21m13s.41, Decl. = +14°15’04”.9Located 10″ east and 4″ south of the center of the host galaxyMag 18.1:7/14 (17.2:7/3), Type unknown

PSN J22544912+1923556 (= LSQ13bka), CBAT TOCP discovered 2013/08/07 by LSSS-SSP; La Silla-QUESTFound in CGCG 453-22 at R.A. = 22h54m49s.12, Decl. = +19°23'55".6 (= PGC 69986)Located 3".9 west and 13".7 north of the center of CGCG 453-22Mag 18.9:8/10, Type Ia (z=0.07) (References:  ATEL 5270)

PSN J22544912+1923556 (= LSQ13bka), CBAT TOCP discovered 2013/08/07 by LSSS-SSP; La Silla-QUESTFound in CGCG 453-22 at R.A. = 22h54m49s.12, Decl. = +19°23’55”.6 (= PGC 69986)Located 3″.9 west and 13″.7 north of the center of CGCG 453-22Mag 18.9:8/10, Type Ia (z=0.07) (References: ATEL 5270)

PSN J00052018+3259221 (= PSN J00051786+3238326), CBAT TOCP discovered 2013/08/10.993 by LSSS-SSPFound in CGCG 498-76 at R.A. = 00h05m20s.18, Decl. = +32°59'22".1 (= PGC 2019681)Located 4".4 west and 5".9 north of the center of CGCG 498-76Mag 18.7:9/3 (18.3:8/10), Type unknown (z=0.035188)

PSN J00052018+3259221 (= PSN J00051786+3238326), CBAT TOCP discovered 2013/08/10.993 by LSSS-SSPFound in CGCG 498-76 at R.A. = 00h05m20s.18, Decl. = +32°59’22”.1 (= PGC 2019681)Located 4″.4 west and 5″.9 north of the center of CGCG 498-76Mag 18.7:9/3 (18.3:8/10), Type unknown (z=0.035188)

PSN J04030754-0237031, CBAT TOCP discovered 2013/09/08.174 by LSSS-SSPFound in MCG +0-11-8 at R.A. = 04h03m07s.54, Decl. = -02°37'03".1 (= PGC 014363)Located 8" east and 5" north of the center of MCG +0-11-8Mag 17.8:9/8, Type unknown

PSN J04030754-0237031, CBAT TOCP discovered 2013/09/08.174 by LSSS-SSPFound in MCG +0-11-8 at R.A. = 04h03m07s.54, Decl. = -02°37’03”.1 (= PGC 014363)Located 8″ east and 5″ north of the center of MCG +0-11-8Mag 17.8:9/8, Type unknown


  • 4Potvrđene supernove
2011ak, CBAT TOCP discovered 2011/02/09.031 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in UGC 6997 at R.A. = 12h00m49s.46, Decl. = +31°52'49".7Located 16".2 west and 8".1 north of the center ofMag 16.9, Type IIP

2011ak, CBAT TOCP discovered 2011/02/09.031 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in UGC 6997 at R.A. = 12h00m49s.46, Decl. = +31°52’49”.7Located 16″.2 west and 8″.1 north of the center ofMag 16.9, Type IIP

2011bk,(= PSN J16203475+2112082), CBET 2693 discovered 2011/03/07.099 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 3089915 at R.A. = 16h20m34s.75, Decl. = +21°12'08".2Located 7".65 east and 0".7 south of the center of PGC 3089915Mag > 19.0* (15.8), Type Ia

2011bk,(= PSN J16203475+2112082), CBET 2693 discovered 2011/03/07.099 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 3089915 at R.A. = 16h20m34s.75, Decl. = +21°12’08”.2Located 7″.65 east and 0″.7 south of the center of PGC 3089915Mag > 19.0* (15.8), Type Ia

2011bm, (= PSN J12565389+2222282),CBET 2695 discovered 2011/04/04.991 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in IC 3918 at R.A. = 12h56m53s.88, Decl. = +22°22'28".2Located 5".85 east and 3".1 north of the center of IC 3918Mag 16.0, Type Ic (References:SN 2007bz)

2011bm, (= PSN J12565389+2222282),CBET 2695 discovered 2011/04/04.991 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in IC 3918 at R.A. = 12h56m53s.88, Decl. = +22°22’28”.2Located 5″.85 east and 3″.1 north of the center of IC 3918Mag 16.0, Type Ic (References:SN 2007bz)

2011dz, (= PTF11dxu) (= PSN J16124482+2817032 ),CBET 2761 discovered 2011/05/27.39 by Palomar Transient FactoryFound in UGC 10273 at R.A. = 16h12m44s.83, Decl. = +28°17'02".3Located 0" east and 0" south of the center of the UGC 10273Mag 17.0:8/23 (15.0), Type Ia (References:ATEL 3369 ,vsnet-recent-sn 2311)

2011dz, (= PTF11dxu) (= PSN J16124482+2817032 ),CBET 2761 discovered 2011/05/27.39 by Palomar Transient FactoryFound in UGC 10273 at R.A. = 16h12m44s.83, Decl. = +28°17’02”.3Located 0″ east and 0″ south of the center of the UGC 10273Mag 17.0:8/23 (15.0), Type Ia (References:ATEL 3369 ,vsnet-recent-sn 2311)

  • 3Moguće supernove
PSN J09500634-1830175, CBAT TOCP discovered 2011/02/11.943 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h50m06s.34, Decl. = -18°30'17".5Located 2".9 west and 8" north of the center of the host galaxyMag 17.4** (17.1), Type unknown

PSN J09500634-1830175, CBAT TOCP discovered 2011/02/11.943 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h50m06s.34, Decl. = -18°30’17”.5Located 2″.9 west and 8″ north of the center of the host galaxyMag 17.4** (17.1), Type unknown

PSN J10210154+2143011, CBAT TOCP discovered 2011/02/25.905 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in MCG +4-25-5 at R.A. = 10h21m01s.53, Decl. = +21°43'01".1 (= PGC 030271)Located 15".0 east and 0".5 north of the center of MCG +4-25-5Mag 18.9 (17.4), Type unknown (References: SN 1961S)

PSN J10210154+2143011, CBAT TOCP discovered 2011/02/25.905 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in MCG +4-25-5 at R.A. = 10h21m01s.53, Decl. = +21°43’01”.1 (= PGC 030271)Located 15″.0 east and 0″.5 north of the center of MCG +4-25-5Mag 18.9 (17.4), Type unknown (References: SN 1961S)

PSN J10201680+3830102, CBAT TOCP discovered 2011/03/31.977 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 2128985 at R.A. = 10h20m16s.79, Decl. = +38°30'10".1Located 7".4 west and 14".7 south of the center of PGC 2128985Mag 17.8, Type unknown

PSN J10201680+3830102, CBAT TOCP discovered 2011/03/31.977 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 2128985 at R.A. = 10h20m16s.79, Decl. = +38°30’10”.1Located 7″.4 west and 14″.7 south of the center of PGC 2128985Mag 17.8, Type unknown


  • 12Potvrđene supernove
2010ax, CBET 2219 discovered 2010/03/15.1 by La Sagra Sky SurveyFound in PGC 1383919 at R.A. = 14h41m53s.42, Decl. = +10°45'01".4Located 6" east and 6" north of the center of PGC 1383919Mag 18.0: (17.0), Type Ia (References: CBET 2235)

2010ax, CBET 2219 discovered 2010/03/15.1 by La Sagra Sky SurveyFound in PGC 1383919 at R.A. = 14h41m53s.42, Decl. = +10°45’01”.4Located 6″ east and 6″ north of the center of PGC 1383919Mag 18.0: (17.0), Type Ia (References: CBET 2235)

2010dt, CBET 2307 discovered 2010/06/01.986 by La Sagra Sky SurveyFound in PGC 58829 at R.A. = 16h43m14s.68, Decl. = +32°40'30".4Located 21" east and 12" south of the center of PGC 58829Mag 17.1, Type Ia (References: CBET 2311, ATEL 2736)

2010dt, CBET 2307 discovered 2010/06/01.986 by La Sagra Sky SurveyFound in PGC 58829 at R.A. = 16h43m14s.68, Decl. = +32°40’30”.4Located 21″ east and 12″ south of the center of PGC 58829Mag 17.1, Type Ia (References: CBET 2311, ATEL 2736)

2010eu, CBET 2340 discovered 2010/06/20.112 by La Sagra Sky Surveyat R.A. = 21h31m36s.16, Decl. = +12°28'51".1 Mag 18.7, Type unknown

2010eu, CBET 2340 discovered 2010/06/20.112 by La Sagra Sky Surveyat R.A. = 21h31m36s.16, Decl. = +12°28’51”.1 Mag 18.7, Type unknown

2010gj, CBET 2381 discovered 2010/07/10.101 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 190539 at R.A. = 21h50m54s.34, Decl. = -17°46'09".4Located 6" west and 5" north of the nucleus of PGC 190539Mag 17.0, Type Ia (References: (CBET 2377 corrected) (CBET 2380 corrected) CBET 2403)

2010gj, CBET 2381 discovered 2010/07/10.101 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 190539 at R.A. = 21h50m54s.34, Decl. = -17°46’09”.4Located 6″ west and 5″ north of the nucleus of PGC 190539Mag 17.0, Type Ia (References: (CBET 2377 corrected) (CBET 2380 corrected) CBET 2403)

2010gq, CBET 2389 discovered 2010/06/19.136 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in CGCG 382-041 at R.A. = 00h17m25s.70, Decl. = -00°58'37".7 (= PGC 1142)Located 5".5 west and 8".2 north of the nucleus of CGCG 382-041Mag 16.8 (16.5), Type II (References: CBET 2406)

2010gq, CBET 2389 discovered 2010/06/19.136 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in CGCG 382-041 at R.A. = 00h17m25s.70, Decl. = -00°58’37”.7 (= PGC 1142)Located 5″.5 west and 8″.2 north of the nucleus of CGCG 382-041Mag 16.8 (16.5), Type II (References: CBET 2406)

2010gs, CBET 2397 discovered 2010/08/01.876 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in MCG -1-53-7 at R.A. = 20h45m39s.51, Decl. = -05°35'11".8Located 5" west and 10" north of the nucleus of MCG -1-53-7Mag 18.0 (16.6), Type II (References: CBET 2403)

2010gs, CBET 2397 discovered 2010/08/01.876 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in MCG -1-53-7 at R.A. = 20h45m39s.51, Decl. = -05°35’11”.8Located 5″ west and 10″ north of the nucleus of MCG -1-53-7Mag 18.0 (16.6), Type II (References: CBET 2403)

2010hn, CBET 2444 discovered 2010/07/07.012 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 9162971 at R.A. = 21h43m19s.14, Decl. = -15°03'19".6Located 10".5 east and 0".5 south of the nucleus of PGC 9162971Mag 19.9 (17.5), Type unknown

2010hn, CBET 2444 discovered 2010/07/07.012 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 9162971 at R.A. = 21h43m19s.14, Decl. = -15°03’19”.6Located 10″.5 east and 0″.5 south of the nucleus of PGC 9162971Mag 19.9 (17.5), Type unknown

2010ij, CBET 2478 discovered 2010/09/15.829 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 68600 at R.A. = 22h20m20s.19, Decl. = +17°03'22".2Located 10".4 east and 4".8 south of the nucleus of PGC 68600Mag 17.2 (15.9), Type Ia (References: CBET 2485)

2010ij, CBET 2478 discovered 2010/09/15.829 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 68600 at R.A. = 22h20m20s.19, Decl. = +17°03’22”.2Located 10″.4 east and 4″.8 south of the nucleus of PGC 68600Mag 17.2 (15.9), Type Ia (References: CBET 2485)

2010ix, CBET 2506 discovered 2010/10/16.825 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 3583 at R.A. = 01h00m02s.49, Decl. = +41°42'57".6Located 13".7 west and 4".4 south of the center of PGC 3583Mag 18.0, Type unknown

2010ix, CBET 2506 discovered 2010/10/16.825 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 3583 at R.A. = 01h00m02s.49, Decl. = +41°42’57”.6Located 13″.7 west and 4″.4 south of the center of PGC 3583Mag 18.0, Type unknown

2010jf, CBET 2527 discovered 2010/10/20.008 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 1183175 at R.A. = 03h40m43s.47, Decl. = +01°03'34".0Located 14".0 west and 10".3 north of the center of PGC 1183175Mag 17.9 (17.7), Type Ia (subliminous)

2010jf, CBET 2527 discovered 2010/10/20.008 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 1183175 at R.A. = 03h40m43s.47, Decl. = +01°03’34”.0Located 14″.0 west and 10″.3 north of the center of PGC 1183175Mag 17.9 (17.7), Type Ia (subliminous)

2010jm, CBET 2537 discovered 2010/11/02.923 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h46m03s.55, Decl. = +12°42'15".5Located 3".4 east and 4".1 north of the center of the host galaxyMag 17.9 (17.4), Type Ia (References: CBET 2542)

2010jm, CBET 2537 discovered 2010/11/02.923 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h46m03s.55, Decl. = +12°42’15”.5Located 3″.4 east and 4″.1 north of the center of the host galaxyMag 17.9 (17.4), Type Ia (References: CBET 2542)

2010lo, CBET 2608 discovered 2010/12/15.137 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in NGC 4495 at R.A. = 12h31m23s.67, Decl. = +29°07'34".0Located 12".0 east and 37".0 south of the center of NGC 4495Mag 17.3, Type unknown (References: SN 1994S)

2010lo, CBET 2608 discovered 2010/12/15.137 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in NGC 4495 at R.A. = 12h31m23s.67, Decl. = +29°07’34”.0Located 12″.0 east and 37″.0 south of the center of NGC 4495Mag 17.3, Type unknown (References: SN 1994S)

  • 1Moguće supernove
PSN in PGC 134795, CBET 2504 discovered 2010/10/13.909 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 134795 at R.A. = 01h55m18s.37, Decl. = -17°46'46".3Located 8".6 west and 6".2 south of the center of host galaxyMag 18.8 (17.3), Type unknown

PSN in PGC 134795, CBET 2504 discovered 2010/10/13.909 by La Sagra Sky Survey Supernova SearchFound in PGC 134795 at R.A. = 01h55m18s.37, Decl. = -17°46’46”.3Located 8″.6 west and 6″.2 south of the center of host galaxyMag 18.8 (17.3), Type unknown